To continue to pursue a smart growth plan for the city that attracts jobs, creates businesses, and positions Dania Beach as a good place to live and raise a family in.
Dania Beach Bar & Grill: redevelop the entire area to include small moms and pops businesses, a family friendly vibe, and something everyone could enjoy.
Infrastructure: Revitalize Dania Beach as a modern city with citywide lighting, stormwater drainage, Oasis Project, and road and streetscape improvements.
Small Businesses: Identify opportunities to help local businesses recover from COVID-19, grow, and create jobs.
Housing: Create more affordable housing opportunities and collaborate with the CRA on more funding for home revitalizations.
Families: Promote a family friendly community and support the development of modern amenities and facilities for families, youth, and seniors.

If you believe in the vision and the accomplishments that Commissioner Tamara James has had in her first term, please consider donating to the reelection campaign. The goal is to exceed $50,000 in donations. Big or small, any size donation takes the campaign one step further towards a victory.
Leader, community advocate, University of Miami alumna, retired WNBA athlete, world traveler, mother, and the youngest mayor in the history of Dania Beach. With a street in Dania Beach co-named “Tamara James Ave”, her passion and commitment is for transparent leadership, safe practices, and viable community programs to create a thriving,
unified environment for all citizens.
Funded and created a new senior program at our Parks and Recreation Department “Gracefully Aging”, giving residents a much-needed boost to their quality of life, physical health, mental health, and social health
Rejuvenated CRA-Hired a New CRA Director, one of the most important positions to the City
Created an internship and volunteer program, partnering with local colleges to help prepare and give experience to college students before entering society after college
Initiated and approved a Parks Masterplan that will rebuild and enhance our parks and hired —New Parks Director
Took over all sports programs with a new athletic director; activated kids sports league
Approved Saratoga Redevelopment for 170 Affordable Housing Units to fight the national housing crisis
Helped jumpstart Broward Reads initiative to increase the number of children reading at grade level by the time they complete grade three
Banned plastic straws on waterfront restaurants with plans to extend to a City-wide plastic straw ban
Enhanced hurricane procedures
Negotiated and approved a multi-year union contract
Upgrade of beaches and beach area; worked alongside the Army Corps of Engineers to provide emergency funding and sand to renourish our beach
Transferred vacant lots to the CRA to support various affordable housing and projects opportunities to our residents
Chaired and championed an affordable housing program with down payment assistance
Created an Affordable Trust Fund to require developers to give a percentage of their developments to affordable housing.
Initiated and passed - “Ban the Box”
Initiated and executed the rebranding of Dania Beach, in an updated logo, motto, and seal at no cost to the City
Acquired and funded housing opportunities to extend to Dania Beach residents
Devised bike share stations; addressing congestion and promoting different means of transportation to supplement the growth of our City
Initiated, approved, and funded decorative crosswalks to enhance arts and the optics in our downtown corridor
Working on a partnership with FAU to provide our youth with a summer Stem program
Held a City Center Charette to create a new downtown and City Hall and activated a City Center redevelopment plan
Approval of medical marijuana dispensaries in the City
Leading effort to acquire old and abandoned Olsen Middle School
Facilitated the creation of City-wide murals, increasing the presence of art in the community
